
We are proud affiliate members off the United Kingdom Home Care Association and conduct all our services under the Guidelines set by the UKHCA Code of Practice.

United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) is the professional association for homecare providers. Together we make sure that all of us can live well at home and flourish within our communities.

UKHCA helps organizations that provide social care (also known as domiciliary care or homecare which may include nursing services), to people in their own homes promoting high standards of care and providing representation with national and regional policy-makers and regulators. The Association represents over two-thousand members across the United Kingdom in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

As a membership organization, our focus is on supporting our members to improve their business performance and the quality of their care services by:

  • Representing their interests
  • Providing practical support and guidance
  • Connecting members with other organizations that can support them in meeting their aims.


We are proud affiliate members off the United Kingdom Home Care Association and conduct all our services under the Guidelines set by the UKHCA Code of Practice.
United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) is the professional association for homecare providers. Together we make sure that all of us can live well at home and flourish within our communities.